Website News & Updates!

Posted 14 years ago by admin

There have been various small changes and additions to the website since it launched. Many spelling mistakes and grammatical errors have been corrected! From now on, we are hoping to update the website approximately twice a month. This will hopefully avoid the past situations where the site has been updated with new stuff multiple times in a single week and then had nothing added for several months.

In the first of these updates, new pages have been added to the Bobblebot section in Our Robots. This includes the original build diary, which we kept when we built Bobblebot back in 2004, as well the original concept ideas for the robot. More updates are planned here in the future, including a complete technical rundown of all the components used in Bobblebot. The Robot Wars and Antweights section have also seen general updates, but there are plans to expand the information available in those areas in the very near future.