About Sir Killalot

- Weight: 280kg
- Length: 120cm
- Width: 120cm
- Height: 130cm
- Speed: 8mph
Sir Killalot is the daddy of the house robots. He was introduced to the show in 1998. He weighs a massive 280kg and is armed with a pair of hydraulic cutting jaws and a lance.
He runs on a pair of tracks that come from a power barrow, a motorized heavy duty wheel barrow used on building sites. The house roboteers had to put washing up liquid on them to make him turn more easily!
The hydraulics for the claws and lance were adapted and refined to give a much faster cutting speed. The claw is quite capable of lifting over 100 kg of weight, slicing through armour plating and cutting the axles of opposing robots in two.
Considering the complexity of Killalot's design and the formidable nature of his weaponry, he was built over a relatively short period of time – the initial build was about ten days.